Shipment of goods (FIFO, FEFO, LIFO) from the warehouse (mono-pallet, box by box)

FIFO (First In, First Out) is a way of organizing and manipulating data regarding time and priorities. This expression describes the principle of technical processing of the queue or servicing of conflicting claims by ordering the process according to the principle: «first came — first served» (FCFS). The one who comes first is served first, the next one waits until the first service is finished, and so on.

FEFO (First Expire, First Out — first expires — first goes out) — Goods with minimal residual shelf life are shipped first. When using this method, the remaining shelf life of the goods (English Use By Date, UBD; Expiration date) is taken into account when the goods are rotated in the warehouse. The use of this method is typical for warehouses containing products with a short time of realization.

LEFO (last­ended, first­out) — «the last one ends — the first one goes out». Goods with the highest remaining shelf life are shipped first.

FPFO (First Product First Out) – «the first оne is produced – the first оne goes out». When using this method, when the goods are rotated in the warehouse, the production date is taken into account. Older products are shipped first. The use of this method is typical for production warehouses.

BBD (Best Before Day) – «the recommended first term is the first one which expires – the first one is released». When using this method, the recommended time period (not to be confused with the expiration date of the UBD product which is called Use By Date) is taken into account when the goods are rotated in the warehouse. Goods with a minimum residual recommended period are shipped first. The use of this method is typical for warehouses containing food products